Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Jack Thompson needs to be stopped

Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before Jack Ass went after Killer 7:


Seriously, dude. I've seen the sex scene in question. It's not really that explicit. I mean, Titanic was more explicit in the sex area than this game, and contained actual, you know, nudity. Then again, Titanic is several years old and movies are considered "art" whereas video games aren't (which I think is complete bullshit, since Killer 7 is far more artistic than most action movies on the market). I think it very much deserves the M rating it was given, not the AO rating Mr. Thompson (who's getting his information from a review of the game, and not actually playing it, by the way) thinks it deserves.

In other news, schaef (my younger sister) and her ex-boyfriend came up for the Cultural Festival in Duluth. We had a great time, and went to Amazing Grace Cafe for dinner. Then we sat around and watched Queer As Folk. I love Emmet. He's so adorable and flamboyant. ^_^


Blogger Sith Librarian said...

Jack Thompson is a lunatic who will completely ignore any and all information that contradicts his own biased and unfounded beliefs.

This that make him more despicable are:
- His constant reference to him "predicting Columbine" (he seems to take a lot of pride in that tragedy)
- His stupid "murder simulator" logic
- Taking advantage of grief stricken famimlies to launch his baseless campaign.

By the way, this is Cowboy Beboper from SHF :)

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say

4:00 AM  

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